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Cars of the 30's and 40's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (40_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
The Modern World Book of Motors Cars by Laurence H Cade 159 hardbound pages publ. 1950s (50_BookOfMotors)
$19.95 |
46-75 Standard catalog of American Cars 1946-75 (50_135386B)
$69.95 |
Sports Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars by Rob De La Rive Box 287 pg (60_EncycloSport)
$29.95 |
Saloon Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars; De La Rive Box; 296 pg, 750 illustrations (99_Encyclopedia)
$29.95 |
On A Clear Day You Can See GM DeLorean's look inside the Automotive Giant by J. Patrick Wright (60_OCDYCSGD)
$14.95 |
Tentacles of Power, The Story of Jimmy Hoffa, by Clark R. Mollenhoff, 1st edition (65_HoffaBio)
$26.95 |
The Kings of Road, Ken Purdy, Classic history of great cars Bugatti thru Duesenberg to Morgan and more. (40_Rd_Kng_Purd)
$19.95 |
Marques of America America's Most Popular Collectible Cars 30s-60s 264 page incl AMC Bucik Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Desoto Dodge Ford Lincoln Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Studebaker & more (50_MarquesGuide)
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Sports Cars, Ian Dussek, Shire series.32 pg (50_SprtCrs_Shir)
$12.95 |
40-80 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness: 792 pages of illustrations to identify all the cars. (67_140516A)
$29.95 |
Collectible Automobile, premier issue covering 58 Impala, Avanti, BMW 507 and more, color illustated, 96 pages (84_Collect_Auto)
$24.95 |
view cover of 46-90 Standard catalog of imported cars; 704 pgs. by J Flammang
46-90 Standard catalog of imported cars; 704 pgs. by J Flammang (65_116236B)
$39.95 |
Classic 4x4 illustrated buyers guide for older four wheel drive vehicles from Jeep, Land Rover, Ford, Dodge, GMC, Chevrolet, International, and other manufacturers (52_125487AP)
$17.95 |
Adventures of a Vintage Car Collector, by Alan Radcliff (used, v. good condition) (60_517136589)
$24.95 |
A to Z of Sports Cars. 1945 - 1990, by Mike Lawrence. Covers more than 850 marques, 336 pg (67_5_123301)
$29.95 |
Veteran & Vintage Cars by Peter Roberts 160 hardbound pages (24_VeteranVinta)
$19.95 |
Model Veteran & Vintage Cars, by Cecil Gibson (used, good condition) (25_067048521X)
$12.95 |
Billy Durant: Creator of General Motors, by Lawrence Gustin (25_BilDurantBio)
$32.95 |
Speed Camera The Amateur Photography of Motor Racing by E.S. Tompkins (25_SpeedCamera)
$9.95 |
Sports Cars & Hot Rods by T McCahill 143 page History (25_SportRod)
$14.95 |
A Source Book of Vintage & Post-Vintage Cars by G.N. Georgano 143 hardbound pages (25_VintageCarSo)
$24.95 |
Wonder Book of Motors the Romance of the Road by H Golding 256 page hard cover childrens history of the early days of the automobile with chapters including motor camping military motors the art of driving & more (25_WonderMotor)
$44.95 |
Shifting Gears, Changing Labor Relations in US Auto Industry, by Harry Katz - 230 pg, hb (55_262110989)
$6.95 |
Automobile Industry & Its Workers, between Fordism & Flexibility, 336 pg. analysis of auto labor by Steve Tolliday & J. Zeitlin (55_312005539)
$5.95 |
Popular Mechanics Photo Album, Motor Cars in Pictures & Story from 1769 to 1952, 160 pg (25_PopMecHistor)
$12.95 |
Best Loved Cars of the World, John Plummer, large format color illustrated, covers many famous marques and models (25_0890092877)
$14.95 |
Classic British Cars, The history of ten legendary car companies, Large Oversized Hardbound Color book compiled & editied by Jonathan Wood with foreword by Stirling Moss (57_ClassBritCar)
$59.95 |
The Great Cars by Ralph Stein large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from Rolls Royce to Aston Martin (37_Classic)
$14.95 |
A History of the World's High Performance Cars, 1910 - 1967 Hough and Frostick (38_629_109)
$14.95 |
The Wild Roads, The Story of Transcontinental Motoring, by T.R. Nicholson (38_TheWildRoads)
$6.95 |
American Automobile Trademarks; 1900-1960; history of automotive logos and insignias; 160 pages by C.H. Wendel (30_121477AP)
$29.95 |
The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
$19.95 |
The Sports Cars, History and Development; by John Stanford 208 pgs illustrated (31_SportsCarSta)
$14.95 |
The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
$29.95 |
The Picture Story of World Sports Cars by Stuart Seager 157 hardbound pages (32_SportCarHist)
$39.95 |
In The Age of Motoring. drawings Pierre Dumont, text Ronald Barker & Douglas B. Tubbs. 1965 (35_InAgeMotorin)
$2.95 |
Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
$39.95 |
Automobiles of the Future by I Stambler hard cover history (33_AutoFuture)
$64.95 |
Man & Motor the 20th Century Love Affair by D Jewell 205 page hard cover History (40_ManMotor)
$14.95 |
Classic Cars, Richard Nichols, large format color illustrated, covers major marques. (34_Clas_Nichol)
$12.95 |
Automobile Quarterly's World of Cars. 200+ cars in color 223 pages HB AQ (35_AQWorldOfCar)
$16.95 |
Auto Album, by Tad Burness; a collection of 'Auto Album' line drawing historical automotive features as published in may Newpapers during the 60's and 70's (35_AutoAlbum)
$12.95 |
History of the Motor Car, Marco Matteucci; 707 illustrations, 485 in color 376 pgs (35_Hist)
$24.95 |
Super Champions of Auto Racing, by Ross Olney (35_SuperChampsA)
$4.95 |
Chrome Colossus, General Motors and Its Times - Ed Cray (used, first ed., v. good condition) (45_70134936)
$28.95 |
view cover of The Greatest Cars by Ralph Stein, large format hardcover illustrated history of great cars and marques including Alfa Romeo Duesenberg Bugatti Ferrari Hipsano-Suiza Maserati Rolls Royce among others 240 pages
The Greatest Cars by Ralph Stein, large format hardcover illustrated history of great cars and marques including Alfa Romeo Duesenberg Bugatti Ferrari Hipsano-Suiza Maserati Rolls Royce among others 240 pages (45_GreatestCars)
$19.95 |
Ford - the Men & the Machine, 778 pg. history of Ford by Robert Lacey (out of print) (45_Z_316511668)
$28.95 |
20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
$49.95 |
Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
$24.95 |